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      潛能無限 | 蘇城外Spelling Bee大賽圓滿落幕!

      來源:管理員 發(fā)布時間:2021-06-04 07:35:45 瀏覽次數(shù):320 【字體:







      Summer is the time when everything is full of vitality. In this summertime, Soochow Foreign Language School is full of activities, competitions and honours.

      為營造英語學習氛圍,提高學生學習英語的積極性,近日,為期一周的蘇城外國語學校中學部Spelling Bee大賽在學校中學部藝術樓報告廳圓滿落幕。本次比賽密切聯(lián)系學生的課堂學習以及生活實際,搭建學生的展示平臺,展示學生英語拼讀能力,為學生提供發(fā)展空間。

      In order to create an English learning atmosphere, and to motivate students’ English learning enthusiasm, the Spelling Bee final competition was held in the Auditorium of SCFLS Secondary School. This competition was designed to have a close connection with students’ in-class learning and real life, thus building a platform for students to showcase their talents, demonstrating their English spelling ability, and providing them with development space.


      蘇城外中學部Spelling Bee大賽




      There were two phases for this competition. The preliminary competition was carried out with the form of in-class quiz in each classroom. The winners would enter the next phase. The written test was based on the vocabulary bank provided by each subject group, mainly consisting of the EAP and ESL vocabulary from the basic level to the advanced level.


      There were 50 students entering the final round. They were randomly grouped into 10 different groups.

      ▲ 臺上激烈的比拼,臺下小伙伴熱烈助威


      The 10 groups need to finish the Bingo Game within 15 minutes. The test has different types. The final score is determined by accuracy and time, and the top 6 groups would enter the next round. 


      The competition was quite intense. Within 3 minutes, one group had finished their test. With the next few groups finishing their tests, the rest of the groups became a bit nervous and anxious.


      The 30 students are randomly divided into 6 groups. Once the competition starts, they have to say a word related to their given topics within 5 seconds. The judges would decide whether they could pass. Those who fail have to temporarily leave the stage. According to the order in which the participants leave the stage, they would receive 1,2,4,6 and 8 points respectively. 

      本輪游戲異常精彩,充分顯示了學生驚人的英語詞匯量。關于Jobs、Transportation、Buildings、Outdoor sports、Countries、Animals等有關的詞匯,學生能做到脫口而出,信手拈來。

      This round was exceptionally exciting, fully reflecting our students’ English vocabulary. Students could immediately say the vocabulary related to Jobs, Transportation, Buildings, Outdoor Sports, Countries, Animals, etc. without thinking.


      The 30 students are divided into 15 groups to play this game. Student A has to act out the vocabulary without making any sound or giving direct implications to his/her partner, and Student B has to guess the word. The total time limit is 90 seconds. Different scores will be given based on how much time the students spent in guessing the words.


      Some of the students seemed to be in the middle of nowhere in this round due to their nervousness. Of course, we also had some students very good at this round.


      The top 12 students will enter the final round based on their total scores of the first two rounds. There will be 20 words in this round. For each word, there will be 3 prompts shown on the screen.


      Students were highly motivated in this round. Many students had already reported the words even when the prompts were still incomplete, earning great applause.



      Our secondary school students all tried their best both in team work and individual work. The philosophy of “unlimited potential” is fully embodied in this competition, and this is the spirit of SCFLS. 




      編輯、排版、審核:校長辦公室 品宣辦



      • 招生熱線:0512-89180556 / 89180555
      • 應聘郵箱:hr@cscfls.com
      • 應聘聯(lián)系電話:0512-89180557 / 89180564
      • 學校地址:蘇州市相城區(qū)金磚路399號
      • 學校名稱:蘇州市相城區(qū)蘇城外國語學校