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      黨百歲 我入隊!爭做新時代的好隊員

      來源:管理員 發(fā)布時間:2021-06-08 07:54:37 瀏覽次數(shù):294 【字體:

      百年奮斗路,起航新征程,少年兒童是黨和國家的未來,也是中華民族的希望。近日,蘇城外國語學校PYP小學舉行了“賡續(xù)紅色血脈 傳承紅色基因”2021年首批隊員入隊儀式。

      Children are not only the future of the party and the country, but also the hope of the Chinese nation. On May 28, PYP Primary School of Soochow Foreign Language School held a ceremony for the first batch of team members in 2021 to join the Young Pioneers.


      According to the year one students' application for joining the team, the squadron reported to the school brigade for approval. Finally 82 students received systematic education, successfully completed the "six knowledge, six skills and one action" task and officially joined the Chinese Young Pioneers.





      Along with the solemn national anthem, "Love the party and be the successor of communism" team-joining ceremony began. All the young pioneers are energetic and their singing was loud and inspiring.

      Vivian Luo, the counselor of the brigade, read out the list of new team members. The grade five students wore bright red scarves for year one students and saluted to each other.


      Yuqi Deng, the leader of the young pioneers, led the young pioneers to hold their right fist tightly and make a solemn oath. The loud oath echoed in the campus, demonstrating the determination of the young pioneers to study hard and move forward towards a bright future!


      Aileen Yang, vice principal of PYP primary school, awarded the red squadron flag to the flag bearers of each squadron in year one. From this day on, bright red scarves will accompany them; From this day on, they will have a glorious name: Young Pioneers!


      Chloe Yang, vice principal of Soochow Foreign Language School, issued the appointment certificates which represent responsibility and expectation for the counselors of each squadron.

      “賡續(xù)紅色血脈 傳承紅色基因”主題隊日活動在嘹亮的隊歌中落下帷幕。在這個火紅的日子,希望新隊員們在星星火炬的指引下,向陽生長,用自己的行動為胸前的紅領巾增光添彩!新隊員們!加油!

      The theme team day “joining the young pioneers” came to an end in a loud team song. On this memorable day, I hope the new team members will grow up in the sun under the guidance of the stars lighted torch, and add luster to the red scarf with their own actions! New young pioneers! Come on!




      編輯、排版、審核:校長辦公室 品宣辦



      • 招生熱線:0512-89180556 / 89180555
      • 應聘郵箱:hr@cscfls.com
      • 應聘聯(lián)系電話:0512-89180557 / 89180564
      • 學校地址:蘇州市相城區(qū)金磚路399號
      • 學校名稱:蘇州市相城區(qū)蘇城外國語學校