

      當(dāng)前位置: 首頁(yè) ? 新聞中心 ? 2017-2019年新聞


      來(lái)源:管理員 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-09-26 18:50:40 瀏覽次數(shù):246 【字體:


      It’s been two weeks since the school started. Have you been used to the life in school of the new semester? Maybe you haven’t adapted to the new life here, and you are even a little bit worried. So, here in Suzhou Foreign Language School Xiangcheng Campus, we have the psychological education centre for you to rest your heart.


      SCFLS Psychological Education Centre Introduction


      Since the foundation of the SCFLS Psychological Education Centre in September 2018, we’ve been carrying forward the school motto—“Inclusive Holistic”, and guiding those in need to let them perceive their problems, actively face and solve problems, so as to form sound personalities.


      It is every psychology teacher’s responsibility that the mental health of every child, teacher and family can be guaranteed here in the psychological education centre.


      Psychological lectures and counseling will be regularly held, through which the approaches of integrating psychological education with all subjects can be effectively learned. Also, series of theme activities such as life education, interpersonal communication, puberty counseling, career planning, approaches to learning and etc. will be organized.


      SCFLS Psychological Education Appointment Policy


      Open time: 16:00 Sunday to 17:00 Friday


      5th Floor Psychological Education Centre of the North Building of the Primary, 8:00-18:00 during the daytime

      晚間 Night Time

      18:00-次日8:00 18:00 to 8:00 next day

      Q 心理輔導(dǎo)室里都有哪些器材?

      What kind of equipment do you have in the counseling room?

      A 有沙盤(pán)與沙具,音樂(lè)放松椅,體感宣泄儀器,智能互動(dòng)宣泄系統(tǒng),宣泄墻。在這里你能緩解你的焦慮,宣泄你的情緒,釋放你的壓力。

      We’re equipped with sand table and tools, music relaxing chair, catharsis apparatus, intelligent interactive catharsis system and vent wall. It is the place where you can relieve your anxiety, give vent to your emotions and release your pressure here.

      Q 是不是有病的人才能來(lái)心理輔導(dǎo)室?

      Are only those who have mental illness accessible to the counseling room?

      A 尋求心理輔導(dǎo)的絕大多數(shù)都是心理健康的正常人。只要在生活中遇到了自己無(wú)法解決的各種問(wèn)題,就能來(lái)尋求心理咨詢師的幫助,傾吐自己的煩惱。那些極少數(shù)有精神障礙的患者的診斷和治療應(yīng)該由精神科職業(yè)醫(yī)師作出診斷。

      Those who seek for counseling are mostly mentally healthy. As long as you have come across some problems you cannot solve by yourselves, you are welcome to the counseling room for help. A professional psychiatrist should make the diagnosis and treatment of those rare patients with mental disorders.

      Q 來(lái)心理輔導(dǎo)室尋求幫助會(huì)不會(huì)被他人知道?

      Will others know if I come to ask for help?

      A 心理咨詢有保密原則。在這里你傾吐的煩惱,不用擔(dān)心會(huì)被別人知道。

      There are confidential rules, which means that know one will know your secrets.

      Q 心理咨詢是不是就是給你提建議?

      Is counseling simply equivalent to giving advice?

      A 心理咨詢工作的基本理念是“助人自助”。因此,心理咨詢的目標(biāo)是讓求助者看到自己的問(wèn)題,認(rèn)識(shí)到自己具有解決問(wèn)題的能力,并找到解決問(wèn)題的方法和途徑。

      The basic idea is to help others to help themselves out. Therefore, the goal of counseling is to let people realize their problems, and discover their abilities and approaches to solving problems.

      Q 心理咨詢是不是就是聊天?

      Is counseling merely talking?

      A 會(huì)談法是心理咨詢的主要形式之一,但它并不是一般意義的聊天。它是運(yùn)用一定的咨詢技術(shù)和方法,以診斷求助者心理問(wèn)題或以糾正求助者錯(cuò)誤認(rèn)知觀念為目的進(jìn)行的攝入性談話。除了會(huì)談法以外,還可借助其他方法和手段,比如心理測(cè)驗(yàn)、角色扮演、沙盤(pán)游戲、團(tuán)體輔導(dǎo)等形式開(kāi)展心理咨詢。

      Talking is one of the major forms of counseling, but with meanings. A certain kind of technique and method is adopted to diagnose the patient’s mental problems or to correct their false cognitive concepts. Apart from talking, other methods such as psychological tests, role-play, sandplay, group counseling and so on can also be adopted to implement psychological consultation.

      Q 是不是通過(guò)一次心理輔導(dǎo)就能解決心理問(wèn)題?

      Can mental problems be solved through counseling once?

      A 解決心理問(wèn)題需要多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間取決于兩個(gè)因素,即求助者的配合程度以及病程和泛化程度。一般來(lái)說(shuō),來(lái)訪者求助的意愿越不積極,心理問(wèn)題形成時(shí)間越長(zhǎng),解決的時(shí)間就越長(zhǎng)。

      The length of time for solving the mental problems depends on two factors—cooperation of the patient and the course and degree of generalization. In general, the more inactive the patient is, the longer time the mental problems will develop, thus leading to the longer time for solving the problems.

      Q 有心理問(wèn)題沒(méi)關(guān)系,扛過(guò)這一陣就好了,對(duì)嗎?

      It’s OK to have mental problems. All we need to do is to just get over it, right?

      A 不是的。心理問(wèn)題對(duì)我們的生活、工作和家庭的影響一定程度上超過(guò)生理疾病的影響,嚴(yán)重影響人的生活質(zhì)量,所以,具有求助意識(shí)很重要。如果你感到最近一周以上持續(xù)的情緒低落,興趣喪失或者其他心理困擾,請(qǐng)尋求專(zhuān)業(yè)幫助。

      No. The effects on our life, work and family caused by mental problems outweigh those caused by physical illnesses to some extent. It can seriously influence people’s quality of life. Therefore, it is important to have an awareness to ask for help. If you have been feeling depressed, disinterested or troubled for more than a week, please seek for professional help.  

      Q 來(lái)心育中心能測(cè)試我的各種心理指標(biāo)嗎?

      Can I test various psychological indicators in psychological education centre?

      A SCFLS心育中心有專(zhuān)業(yè)的測(cè)試網(wǎng)站,如果你想更好地了解自己,可以來(lái)到心育中心,在老師的指導(dǎo)下進(jìn)行自我測(cè)試。

      SCFLS Psychological Education Centre has the professional website for testing. If you want to better know yourself, you can come here to have the self-test under the guidance of our teacher.

      Q 心理測(cè)驗(yàn)結(jié)果不佳,說(shuō)明我心理有病嗎?

      Does it mean that I have mental illness if the result is not satisfying?

      A 單一的心理測(cè)試結(jié)果不能評(píng)判一個(gè)人的心理健康程度,就像不能用體重來(lái)衡量一個(gè)人的身體健康程度。心理疾病的診斷還需要行為觀察、生理反應(yīng)、情緒反應(yīng)等其他指標(biāo)。同時(shí),只有醫(yī)院的心理門(mén)診才可以下這個(gè)診斷,心理咨詢師和心理測(cè)量師都沒(méi)有這個(gè)權(quán)利。

      Just like one’s physical health cannot be evaluated by weight, a single psychological testing result also cannot reflect one’s mental health. The diagnosis of mental illness is based on some other indicators, such as behavior observation, physiological reaction, emotional reaction and etc. Meanwhile, the diagnosis can only be made by the psychological clinic in the hospital. Even those psychological counselors and psychometrics don't have the right to make diagnosis.


      Dear students, you may feel a bit stressed and nervous right at the beginning of the new semester. However, Psychological Education Centre will always guarantee your mental health in school. Here, you can talk about your troubles freely, and we shall offer you the most sincere help with an equal and respectful attitude, and the confidential rules as well.



      • 招生熱線:0512-89180556 / 89180555
      • 應(yīng)聘郵箱:hr@cscfls.com
      • 應(yīng)聘聯(lián)系電話:0512-89180557 / 89180564
      • 學(xué)校地址:蘇州市相城區(qū)金磚路399號(hào)
      • 學(xué)校名稱(chēng):蘇州市相城區(qū)蘇城外國(guó)語(yǔ)學(xué)校