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      致敬經(jīng)典 書潤蘇城

      來源:管理員 發(fā)布時間:2019-12-21 15:28:48 瀏覽次數(shù):183 【字體:


      This greeting is very popular among teachers in Soochow Foreign Language School. Let’s look at our School WeChat. It's not the alarm clock that wakes us up every day, but the clarion call from teacher Nylons Niu from primary school department.


      SFLS’s teachers understand not only the importance of reading but the profound meaning of “Reading is beneficial”.


      Recently, the Chinese subject group has organized a reading activity with the theme of “paying homage to classics and enriching SFLS with books”. The purpose is to advocate reading to everyone by reading the original works and the classics, so that the Chinese soul contained in the classics of ancient sages can nourish the hearts of every teacher in SFLS.


      Books contain the essence of hundreds of generations, and reading can help us to experience thousands of kinds of life. In this journey of reading, we are not alone.


      The meeting was warmly opened with the lecture of “analysis of current situation of reading activities and reading strategies” brought by teacher Nylons Niu. Mr. Niu closely interpreted the core concept of “classic”, and analyzed the reading status of teachers in school through the big data of “Xiaoxiong's Reading Record”, a kind of reading software. Then according to the previous investigation, we could understand the teachers' dilemma in reading. Finally, some practical reading strategies were provided.

      語 文 組 五位教師結(jié)合自己平時的教學經(jīng)驗,分享了讀書感悟。鄧虹老師跟大家分享了文學經(jīng)典:《離騷》;李蕊老師介紹的《教師花傳書》,韓丹煬老師、劉雅潔與劉康靜老師分享的書目:《第56號教室的奇跡》、《文本分類教學》與《讓學生學會閱讀》。這些書目有側(cè)重理論的,也有側(cè)重教師實踐探索的。

      Five teachers in the Chinese subject group shared their reading comprehension with daily teaching experience. Kelly Deng shared literary classics: Lisao; Vivian Li introduced Teacher’s Brochures; Diana Han, Aggy Liu and Clara Liu shared Miracles in Classroom 56, Text Classified Teaching and Let Students Learn to Read. Some of these books focus on theory, and some are on teachers' practical exploration.

      英 語 組 傅云夢老師分享了《閱快樂,讀心得》,Rainie帶來了《English Teaching & Learning》,在大家的閱讀分享中,能感受到閱讀其實就是一件快樂并很享受的事情。

      Ivy Fu from English subject group shared Reading Happiness and Reading Experience, and Rainie Hu shared English Teaching & Learning. Through the reading sharing, we can feel that reading is actually a happy and enjoyable thing.

      數(shù) 學 組 老師們帶來的多是教育經(jīng)典,孫紅梅老師講授了《皮亞杰教育論著選》之要義,李少婷老師介紹了《教師花傳書》中蘊含的超學科主題探究案例。

      Most of the books shared by teachers in Math subject group were classics. Mandy Sun shared the essence of Piaget's Selected Works on Education. Mia Li introduced the interdisciplinary theme inquiry cases contained in Teacher’s Brochures. 

      綜 合 組 的老師多才多藝,他們分享了中外文學經(jīng)典,鄭爽爽老師分享了《中國文化要義》,蔣枚老師則解讀了美國人寫的日本那點事:《菊與刀》。

      Teachers in Combined Groups are all talented. They share Chinese and foreign literary classics. Solenne Zheng shared the essentials of Chinese Culture, and May Jiang interpreted the Japanese story written by the Americans: Chrysanthemum and Knife.



      攝影:宋柏霖 陳宗赤


      編輯、排版、審核:校長辦公室 宣傳辦



      • 招生熱線:0512-89180556 / 89180555
      • 應(yīng)聘郵箱:hr@cscfls.com
      • 應(yīng)聘聯(lián)系電話:0512-89180557 / 89180564
      • 學校地址:蘇州市相城區(qū)金磚路399號
      • 學校名稱:蘇州市相城區(qū)蘇城外國語學校