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      心有所信,方能遠行 蘇城外國際教師團隊再升級!

      來源:管理員 發(fā)布時間:2020-09-04 07:37:01 瀏覽次數(shù):257 【字體:

      仰望星空 腳踏實地

      Aim Higher,Down to Earth








      Starlight does not ask passers-by,time lives up to dream chasers,time flies,we are about to usher in a new school year.SCFLS has more talented teachers!

      Infused with 19 new intelligent and experienced international teachers!

      Kindergarten & Primary

      Nolan畢業(yè)于阿肯色大學(xué)University of Arkansas,持有TEFL國際教師資格證書,他在中國國際幼兒園有著6年的教學(xué)經(jīng)驗,熱愛中國文化,課堂風(fēng)格幽默風(fēng)趣,善于烹飪各國美食。

      Nolan graduates from the University of Arkansas and holds the TEFL International Teacher Qualification Certificate. He has 6 years of teaching experience in Chinese International Kindergarten. He loves Chinese culture, has rich experience in teaching English to children, He has great sense of humor on class. Besides work, he is good at cooking different food from many countries.

      Elna畢業(yè)于戈登大學(xué)教育學(xué)碩士Gordon University,持有TESOL國際教師資格證書,在北京頂尖國際幼兒園有著5年以上的英語教學(xué)以及帶班經(jīng)驗 。她有著夯實的教育學(xué)背景,嚴謹?shù)慕虒W(xué)風(fēng)格中又不失溫柔,帶班認真負責(zé)。除此之外Elna出生于一個陶藝家族,從小接受藝術(shù)熏陶,擅長陶藝和繪畫。

      Elna graduates from Gordon University with a master's degree in Education and holds a TESOL international teacher qualification certificate. She has more than 5 years of English teaching experience in Beijing's top international kindergartens. She has a solid pedagogical background; her rigorous teaching style is gentle and she leads the class seriously and responsibly. In addition, Elna was born in a pottery family, received artistic influence from an early age, and is good at pottery and painting.

      Alan畢業(yè)于比勒陀利亞大學(xué)文學(xué)專業(yè)University of Pretoria,持有PGCE教師資格證書,曾在泰國、韓國及中國廣州等國際學(xué)校教授劍橋英語課程,擁有13年英語教學(xué)經(jīng)驗,Alan對英語教學(xué)充滿熱情,并且對學(xué)習(xí)中文有著濃厚的興趣!

      Alan graduates from the University of Pretoria, majoring in Literature, and holds a PGCE teacher qualification certificate. He has taught Cambridge English courses in international schools in Thailand, South Korea and Guangzhou, China. He has 13 years of English teaching experience. Alan is full of English teaching enthusiasm, and has a strong interest in learning Chinese!

      Werner畢業(yè)于約翰內(nèi)斯堡大學(xué)經(jīng)濟學(xué)專業(yè)University of Johannesburg,曾在廣東國際學(xué)校擔(dān)任英語教師,擁有6年小學(xué)教學(xué)經(jīng)驗。他喜愛與學(xué)生們溝通,善于鼓勵學(xué)生在課堂上積極表達。生活中他擅長橄欖球、足球等運動。

      Werner graduates from the University of Johannesburg with a major in Economics. He was an English teacher at Guangdong International School and has 6 years of experience in elementary school teaching. He loves communicating with students and is good at encouraging students to express themselves in class. In life, he is good at rugby, football and other sports.

      James畢業(yè)于澳大利亞格里菲斯大學(xué) Griffith University,持有CELTA教師資格證書,在中國國際學(xué)校擁有3年英語教學(xué)經(jīng)驗,他有著澳洲人特有的陽光和善良,能善于調(diào)動孩子們的積極性和主動性,培養(yǎng)孩子們對英語的興趣。

      James graduates from Australian Griffith University, holds a CELTA teacher qualification certificate, and has 3 years of English teaching experience in international school in China. As a typical Australian, he is outgoing and kind, and is good at mobilizing children's enthusiasm and initiative to cultivate children's interest in English.

      Jonathan畢業(yè)于美國康涅狄格大學(xué)University of Connecticut,持有TEFL教師資格證書,他擁有10年國際學(xué)校中小學(xué)英語教學(xué)經(jīng)驗,同時擁有2年P(guān)YP教學(xué)經(jīng)驗,熟悉IB課程體系,教學(xué)組織科學(xué)有效,輔助教學(xué)材料豐富,是孩子們的良師益友。

      Jonathan graduates from the University of Connecticut and holds a TEFL teacher qualification certificate. He has 10 years of experience in teaching English in international schools. At the same time, he has 2 years of PYP teaching experience. He is familiar with the IB curriculum. His teaching is scientific and effective, his teaching sources are rich and he is a good teacher and helpful friend for children.

      Secondary school

      Danilo畢業(yè)于宿霧師范大學(xué)Cebu Normal University,博士學(xué)位,持有TEFL以及TESOL教師資格證書,他擁有5年IGCSE,A-LEVEL,AP等數(shù)學(xué)科學(xué)物理的豐富教學(xué)經(jīng)驗,善于啟發(fā)學(xué)生,培養(yǎng)孩子用英文的思維思考,學(xué)術(shù)儲備扎實,教學(xué)成績突出。

      Danilo graduates from Cebu Normal University with a doctor’s degree. He holds TEFL and TESOL teacher qualification certificates. He has 5 years of rich teaching experience in IGCSE, A-LEVEL, AP and other subjects. He is good at inspiring students and nurturing children to use English thinking, he has solid academic reserves along with outstanding teaching results.

      Ban畢業(yè)于新加坡南洋科技大學(xué)教育學(xué)碩士National Institute of Education,持有劍橋教師資格證書。他擁有7年在華的數(shù)學(xué)教學(xué)經(jīng)驗,同時擅長樂隊指揮、薩克斯以及鋼琴,是一位多才多藝的數(shù)學(xué)老師。

      Ban graduates from the Singapore Nanyang Technological University, master of Education, and holds a Cambridge teacher qualification. He has 7 years of mathematics teaching experience in China. He is also good at band conductor, saxophone and piano. He is a versatile Math teacher.

      Teresa畢業(yè)于伯明翰大學(xué)文學(xué)專業(yè)University Birmingham,持有TEFL教師資格證書,她擁有5年在國際學(xué)校英語教學(xué)經(jīng)驗,曾擔(dān)任北京政法大學(xué)英語教師,有著出色的溝通能力,以鼓勵啟發(fā)的教學(xué)方式提高孩子對英語的自信心,工作之余Teresa喜歡體驗不同的文化,熱愛游泳和釣魚。

      Teresa graduates from the University of Birmingham with a degree in Literature and holds a TEFL teacher qualification certificate. She has 5 years of English teaching experience in international schools. She has served as an English teacher at Beijing University of Political Science and Law. She has excellent communication skills and teaching methods to improve   student’s self-confidence in English. After work, Teresa likes to experience different cultures and go swimming and fishing.

      Adam畢業(yè)于英國赫利特瓦特大學(xué)-國際管理專業(yè)碩士Heriot Watt University,持有CELTA教師資格證書,他擁有7年在國際學(xué)校商科類教學(xué)經(jīng)驗,曾擔(dān)任雅思考官,對學(xué)生有嚴格的要求,了解中國學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)習(xí)慣和特點,善于因材施教。在業(yè)余時間,Adam老師熱衷于足球運動,曾多次獲得隊伍冠軍。

      Adam graduates from Heriot Watt University with a master's degree in International management. He holds a CELTA teacher qualification certificate. He has 7 years of business teaching experience in international schools. He has served as an IELTS examiner and has strict requirements for students. He knows the study habits and characteristics of Chinese students; he is good at teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. In his spare time, Adam is passionate about football and has won the team championship many times.

      Jolie畢業(yè)于美國道爾頓州立大學(xué)-跨學(xué)科研究專業(yè)Dalton State College,持有TEFL教師資格證書,擁有3年在國際學(xué)校初高中的英語教學(xué)經(jīng)驗,她說著一口純正的美語,發(fā)音標(biāo)準(zhǔn),再難的文章她也可以講的生動有趣,讓孩子能夠快速進入學(xué)習(xí)狀態(tài),讓學(xué)習(xí)事半功倍。在生活中,Jolie熱愛中國文化,喜歡旅游,在才藝方面,她擅長交際舞、芭蕾舞、街舞、爵士舞等各類舞蹈。

      Jolie graduates from Dalton State University, major in Interdisciplinary Studies, she holds a TEFL teacher qualification certificate, and has 3 years of English teaching experience in middle and high schools of international schools. She speaks pure American English, and she can also talk about difficult articles vividly and interestingly, so that students can quickly enter the learning state and make their learning more effective. In life, Jolie loves Chinese culture and loves traveling. In terms of talent, she is good at ballet, ballet, hip-hop, jazz and other dances.



      In order to ensure that international teachers can quickly integrate into the humanistic environment of the school, the Foreign Affairs Office has carefully arranged a comprehensive and detailed registration process.

      Class moments


      English class & Exploratory question and answer


      Guide students to think independently


      Active interaction, rich and varied classroom games






      No pain, no gain 

      I believe that all the international teachers will be joining us.

      To down to the earth while aiming high,
      to offer tailor-made and best-fit education for each child
      And to stride forward towards a better and more 

      peaceful world!



      • 招生熱線:0512-89180556 / 89180555
      • 應(yīng)聘郵箱:hr@cscfls.com
      • 應(yīng)聘聯(lián)系電話:0512-89180557 / 89180564
      • 學(xué)校地址:蘇州市相城區(qū)金磚路399號
      • 學(xué)校名稱:蘇州市相城區(qū)蘇城外國語學(xué)校